In Unity docs, in Network.Instantiate article, it mentioned briefly about network groups, and how you can use network groups to do buffered calls.
Where can I read more about network groups in the documentations, and are there any codes involved in using the network groups, such as creating new groups, defining new groups, removing groups and so on?
Thanks in advance.
Not exactly answering your question, but keep in mind that Unity 5.1 introduces a new networking API, so the Network class will probably be obsolete.
That is critical news for me. Not sure what to do now that Network class will have a chance to be obsolete.
There’s new networking arriving, but I am 100% sure that the old networking will not disappear.
This is assuring!
Will the new networking also allow us to check to see if we are connected? And if so, will it also allow us to check if we are in a network group?
I realized Unity is lacking a “Network.isConnected()” method that checks for internet connectivity.
This post here seems to be one of the few workarounds for basic internet connectivity.
Maybe checkout the network posts here:
If you are a Pro customer, then maybe reach out to the network team. (Loads of network tagged threads.)
No, I’m sorry. I’m just using the Student version at my school.
You can still look at the beta list to see what’s coming.