Where can I paste my code? (Sorry for the stupid question)

Here’s some code sent to me by a friend. I’ve spent literally ages going round the the Getting Started section and then “Tips for new users”, which tells me incomprehensible things like "Only use Unity versions with an “f”, no “a”, no “b”. All I want to know is where I can paste this code and test it? Is it on this website somewhere, in a browser? In an application? Do I need to download some tools or utilities? I’m sorry for what must seem like a really stupid question to all you experienced users, but I am as frustrated as hell by not being able to get started. I was just looking for a simple place to develop some simple games but I seriously wonder how many people like me register and then can’t get started?. I bet many of them just move on quickly to the next programming tool.

So here is the code I would like to test:

void Update () {
// Update the position of the ball
Vector3 pos = transform.position;
pos.y += speed * Time.deltaTime;
transform.position = pos;
// Check for collision and bounce
if (pos.y > maxHeight) {
speed = -speed;
else if (pos.y < minHeight) {
speed = -speed;

Use CODE tags, there’s an option at the top of the screen on posts for it (top right hand side)

It’s not entirely clear what your question is about. If you are asking about pasting the code on the forum, then as written above. As for using the code, start your steps below.

Open Unity