where can you find shader tutorials?

i need to know where some shader tutorials are im planning to make some shaders for may game

The Cg tutorial is a great book (I've read it myself), but it's a little outdated and the syntax of the Cg examples in it doesn't completely correspond to how Unity's ShaderLab works. For example, all shaders in the Cg tutorial book are Vertex/Fragment shader pairs, while in Unity, we get to write Surface shaders, from which a compiler then autogenerates the vertex and fragment shaders. So Unity's ShaderLab operates on a higher level of abstraction than that book does.

I would advise you to read the Cg tutorial to gain a theoretical understanding of how shaders work and how many popular shaders are implemented, such as animation and various lighting techniques (like bump mapping), but refer to Unity's own ShaderLab tutorials to learn how to apply your theoretical knowledge to Unity's specific framework.

You can find the Unity-specific shader tutorial here:


Here you go: The Cg Tutorial - Chapter 1. Introduction

Just wanted to add that we’ve created the Noobs Guide To Shaders on Unity Gems.


I started this page a while back because I couldn’t find any page listing all the available resources for learning shader programming.

I encourage the community to keep it up-to-date.