where did "lightmap static" go ?

I have a few interior building parts in an otherwise outdoor scene. I’d like to run the lightmapper ONLY on the interior (because I have dynamic sun and day/night cycles outside, so no lightmapping there).

I thought I knew how to do that: Mark only the interiors as “lightmap static” and done.

But it seems that in 2020.1.9f1 there isn’t a “lightmap static” anymore. Did it move? Go away? What do I do now? Is the world coming to an end?

I’m using the standard/legacy render pipeline. Waiting for a few crucial assets to become URP compatible.

I’ve not been using Unity for a while, so some changes went past me. This is apparently one of them. I’ve checked the manual and it was of no help.

It was replaced with a GI Contributors feature. You can access in the Mesh Renderer component:

Lightmap Static flag did not go anywhere. It was simply renamed to Contribute GI:
6421626--717759--Screen Shot 2020-10-15 at 18.23.38.png

That’s a strange name, and according to the description in the manual, it’s not the same thing. But I’ll take your word for it and give it a try. Thanks.

Did it work?

Did it work?

Honestly, I’ve given up on lightmapping in Unity. For me, every time I give it another try, I get shitty performance and crappy results. There’s probably a way to make it work, but I’m a one-man indie dev and not a studio that can simply tell one developer to spend a week figuring it out.

They changed it to ( Contribute global ilumination ) or Contribute GI If your still lokking

bonjour ca ne marche pas :frowning: