Hey all,
two related questions about where to post something follow.
I want to request articles for a wiki/magazine I’m putting together. Its paid work in the sense that articles that are accepted for publication will be paid. But its non-commercial in the sense that you could write an article have it rejected and not get any money. I’d prefer to post in Commercial but it seems like its not really adhering to the rules. So where do I post?
I also want to do a competition (logo, icon, title for a new game). I’ve run these successfully here in the past (a long time ago) but the rules have tightened up a bit. Again its commercial in the sense that the winner will be paid, and non-commercial in the sense that not everyone who does work will get paid. So where do I post?
Looking forward to your thoughts, particularly from the mods
John A
PS If interested in the above, this post is also a de-facto post of the two things above ;). Feel free to PM me.