Usually we have Report in build log when local build
but on cloud server i do not see this volume
how can i get it?
Build Report
Uncompressed usage by category (Percentages based on user generated assets only):
Textures 37.4 mb 61.8%
Meshes 0.0 kb 0.0%
Animations 221.6 kb 0.4%
Sounds 490.6 kb 0.8%
Shaders 64.8 kb 0.1%
Other Assets 4.8 mb 8.0%
Levels 742.2 kb 1.2%
Scripts 4.9 mb 8.2%
Included DLLs 9.5 mb 15.8%
File headers 2.3 mb 3.8%
Total User Assets 60.5 mb 100.0%
Complete build size 339.5 mb
Used Assets and files from the Resources folder, sorted by uncompressed size:
16.0 mb 4.7% Built-in Texture2D: sactx-0-2048x2048-Uncompressed-field-89819a8e
16.0 mb 4.7% Built-in Texture2D: sactx-0-4096x4096-ETC2-actors-fdc4c83e
1.6 mb 0.5% Built-in Texture2D: sactx-0-4096x4096-Crunch-Playroom-f328bc7e
1.6 mb 0.5% Built-in Texture2D: sactx-0-4096x4096-Crunch-Bedroom-576b78c3
1.5 mb 0.5% Built-in Texture2D: sactx-0-4096x4096-Crunch-Lounge-d7fe370e
323.8 kb 0.1% Assets/Sound/music/acoustic-upbeat.ogg
278.1 kb 0.1% Assets/Fonts/Ubuntu-Medium.ttf