Where is Build report in logs?

Usually we have Report in build log when local build
but on cloud server i do not see this volume
how can i get it?

Build Report
Uncompressed usage by category (Percentages based on user generated assets only):
Textures               37.4 mb     61.8%
Meshes                 0.0 kb     0.0%
Animations             221.6 kb     0.4%
Sounds                 490.6 kb     0.8%
Shaders                64.8 kb     0.1%
Other Assets           4.8 mb     8.0%
Levels                 742.2 kb     1.2%
Scripts                4.9 mb     8.2%
Included DLLs          9.5 mb     15.8%
File headers           2.3 mb     3.8%
Total User Assets      60.5 mb     100.0%
Complete build size    339.5 mb
Used Assets and files from the Resources folder, sorted by uncompressed size:
16.0 mb     4.7% Built-in Texture2D: sactx-0-2048x2048-Uncompressed-field-89819a8e
16.0 mb     4.7% Built-in Texture2D: sactx-0-4096x4096-ETC2-actors-fdc4c83e
1.6 mb     0.5% Built-in Texture2D: sactx-0-4096x4096-Crunch-Playroom-f328bc7e
1.6 mb     0.5% Built-in Texture2D: sactx-0-4096x4096-Crunch-Bedroom-576b78c3
1.5 mb     0.5% Built-in Texture2D: sactx-0-4096x4096-Crunch-Lounge-d7fe370e
323.8 kb     0.1% Assets/Sound/music/acoustic-upbeat.ogg
278.1 kb     0.1% Assets/Fonts/Ubuntu-Medium.ttf


You can get the Build Report either in the raw log or the full log that you can access in your Cloud Build dashboard.
Please search the keyword “Build Report” while on one of those pages and it will direct you right to the section.

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Thank you. Now i see.

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