I just start to check TextMesh Pro for my project, but can’t find real documentation. TextMesh Pro User Guide | TextMeshPro | 3.0.9 - this link has several old references to “User Guide” or so.
And | TextMeshPro | 3.0.9 - this link has just autogenerated doc without any reasonable description of members.
I wonder did I miss something or this package is not intended to be documented ?
And some strange things I found inside TMP:
TextMeshPro is based on TMP_Text, TMP_Text is based on MaskableGraphic, but MaskableGraphic is not official part of Unity anymore (at least I didn’t find reference pages in latest Unity releases, so I consider it’s at least discontinued). How could it be so ? Isn’t TextMesh Pro updated to latest Unity versions ?
The TextMeshPro documentation is lacking but currently being updated. The following documentation should still provide some useful information.
The MaskableGraphic class is still an important part of the UI system. MaskableGraphic derives from Graphic. Not sure why it disappeared from the documentation but again it is core to the Canvas system.
The latest releases of the TMP package are version 1.5.1 for Unity 2018.4, version 2.1.1 for Unity 2019.4 and version 3.0.1 for Unity 2020.x.
Until the documentation is updated, you should be able to find lots of information on the forum here and in the many videos published over the years. In the event you are unable to find the information you seek, always feel free to post on the forum here.
@Stephan_B Any update on this? It has been 19 months since your last post saying it’s “currently being updated” and “Until the documentation is updated”.
Out of curiosity is this on a Unity roadmap still or will it never truly be fully integrated into the Unity ecosystem?
It would seem after 5 years since “TextMesh Pro Joined Unity” blog post there would have been official Unity Documentation for TMP created that would be in line with the other Unity officially documentation for edit and APIs.
If I am mistaken and just unable to find it please let me know where on docs.unity3d.com I can find Editor usage and API docs.
As of version 2022.2 I could not find anything in docs.unity3d.com other than the package information, the same old page about forum support, and the old external doc link. That external doc link currently feels woefully inadequate and out of date in many areas and doesn’t have any API docs.
I just stumbled on the API docs in an unrelated search which was odd, so not easy to find by just searching docs docs.unity3d.com. As if I go there and search manual with “TMP_InputField” on any version including the latest 2022.2 I get “Your search for “TMP_InputField” did not result in any matches. Please try again with a wider search”, that is bad.
So found this indirectly searching for something else in Google. I should be able to find this in the main manual search in unity. As you can see the base URL is docs.unity3d.com. Class TMP_InputField | TextMeshPro | 3.0.9
They are not great, but better than nothing they appear to be autogenerated with no explanation or example usage, at least on the few I’ve looked through so far.
Unity bought out textmesh pro in 2017. Six years ago. This old http link is still the best documentation there is for the main way of doing text in the engine: http://digitalnativestudios.com/textmeshpro/docs/.
It’s the old link from the original creators. Unity hasn’t even moved it to their domain. This, again, is the main way of doing text officially in the unity engine.
The TMP_Text class is a 500 line long monolith with no comments. How do people figure out the API on this beast? I want to know myself also.
For anyone finding this thread from a google search: 1. congrats I have no idea how you did that. Google was completely useless for me on this. 2. I also feel your pain.