I am frustrated by different links bringing me to different dashboards. I think the black is a new one. But where can I find Google License Key field then? What a mess!
It’s in your second screen shot under Google License Key
Yes I know But how can I get there from the black dashboard?
I mean if you google “Unity Dashboard” or if you start from https://id.unity.com/ then you get to the black one.
I found the white dashboard occasionally searching for Google License Key on this forum.
And I still do not understand what is the right way to get there.
Yes, we are continuing to work on the dashboard design, I’m glad you found it.
I don’t think @AntonPetrov found it out… Jeff, the new beta dashboard doesn’t seem to have this setting.
The “Old Dashboard” had it under…
- Operate > Projects > [YOUR_PROJECT] > Settings > Analytics Settings
But where is this in the new beta dashboard?
Oh I see, I thought those were the OP screenshots! You can find it here Unity Cloud[Project ID] (without the brackets and include the dashes)
A year later, still no idea where to enter the key.
What are you trying to do? The link was provided above.