hi dear, i have question about instalation of tizen studio.
so honestly i have to try instal tizen studio and getting success at all in many computer or laptop of my friends to publish game with unity.
but i got a bit problem now, so i have to install Tizen Studio 1.2, and at the part where i must install Samsung Certificate Extension at Extension SDK or Configuration, i still can’t see Samsung Certificate Extension. i try to change the package repository url but still at extension sdk i can’t see Samsung Certificate Extension.
this is the screenshot :
any idea about that? thankyou so much…
Can you access the link below?
If you can download this, please add it manually. you can avoid the issue quickly.
And also uncheck [View installed packages], then share the result please.
And if you provide logs file, it can be helpful to investigate the issue.
Thank you.
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thankyou, i really appreciate… but its still can’t because we cannot connect or use local repository like this picture.
and this is i attached my logs file…
3167494–241207–tizenmanagerlog.rar (55.7 KB)
It looks Tizen Studio could not recognize “C#” folder name, so if you move the file on the other place you can install it properly.
Let me know results.
Thank you.