Where is the largest educational install of Unity Licenses?

Just wondering where the largest educational install of Unity3d is located in the U.S., and around the World. Anyone?

In the USA, it’s about to happen, don’t wanna say until we close the deal and sign the agreement but the “starting purchase” for this institution will be hundreds of licenses at once. There’s another one following close after that will be in excess of 100 licenses as well. In addition there are many schools already using Unity on “smaller” levels (a few licenses on up to dozens).

Not to forget overseas folks but Singapore has actually started to adopt Unity in the edu space as have many European schools. The uptake in South America has been slow but mostly due to current pricing barriers (even Indie is expensive in Brazil for example), we’re working on that.

I teach Unity on my University of Applied Science in the Netherlands. We have approx. 30 licenses and we’ll buy another 15 for our new laptops in the near future. We switched last year from Unreal to Unity.

I know Full Sail University is looking at Unity, they just buy things by the hundreds. So I wouldn’t be surprised if it would be on the list :wink:

Well I chat with them and they don’t teach Unity3D but UT.

Pay attention to verb choice and tense, rayfigs said “is looking at Unity”, not “is using Unity”. What was said is a forward looking statement not a current activities statement. :slight_smile:

We have used UT2004 (we’re on a tight budget) and we didn’t like it to much! Still happy with Unity.

Right, thanks. Well it is confirmed, they don’t have unity. By the way sorry for my English, I am from Montreal, and we speak Français (French) there.
You ever eared of Ubisoft Montréal, Assasin cread was made there.


So any news of any college or any education place where they teach Unity at distant course?


I’m interested in this also. I’d like some formal training on Unity (in the U.S. preferably).

Hi All,

I just wanted to give a shout out and thanks to Unity for the new free version! I can’t remember what day it was announced last week, but to let you know I just installed and introduced a project on Thursday where the students have the option to work in Unity if they want. This is at the University of Colorado Denver, in case folks are interested.

I had applied for funding to purchase it over the summer and it did not come through, so naturally I was very excited when they announced the free version. In anticipation of getting into Unity I had already decided to focus on javaScript in our advanced interactive class as well as a little bit of Processing. Since many students are concurrently taking Cinema4D they were beside themselves when I did a quick tutorial in Unity at how familiar and easy it was.

Just a note as a teacher, I am drawn to Unity because of it’s usage outside of gaming and it’s open-source framework. I would much rather teach languages that are transferable and have my design students come up with alternative uses for game engine technology than teach them how to make another FPS. The students are of course geeked because of the basic gaming platform potential and the prospect of creating iPhone games.

Teaching code to artists is always a challenge, but it helps tremendously if they can see benefits and they will learn on their own once they see the potential. So, thanks again and hope to see many more schools adapting Unity!

