where is the remote setting inspector?

remote setting used to have this very efficient way of injecting values without polluting game logic with it
where did it go?

Are you referring to this dialog box? Window/Unity Analytics/Remote Settings. We are deprecating Remote Settings in favor of Remote Config.

deprecating means that remote config is better in every way so there is a replacement to this ui, I just cannot find it

What specifically are you looking for, sorry I’m not clear on your ask. Which UI are you looking for, Remote Setting or Remote Config? The title of this post is “Where is the Remote Settings Inspector” so I gave you the menu option for Remote Settings, there is a similar UI for Remote Config under Window/Remote Config. If you are using Remote Config, which version have you installed from Package Manager?

Sorry I wasn’t clear, I thought they were the same.
I am looking for Remote Setting type injection in Remote Config so I don’t have to add code for simple cases.

Sorry for the confusion. You are correct, Remote Config does not have this functionality. You are referring to this https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/UnityAnalyticsRemoteSettingsComponent.html

You should really consider remaking this feature, helps us with organize clean game logic.