Where is the sample app?


When I first opened Unity for Iphone I had this default sample application opened. It was a spaceship with some pyramids on it.

I loaded something else and now I can’t find where is that sample application. What’s it name? Where is it located?

Also, I remember I saw a video tutorial explaining iphone capabilities with that application and explaining how to add camera following and some other features. Any clue where is that video? I believe I saw it on unity website but I’m not able to find it anymore.


Don’t forget to check the sticky on dev’ing for the phone above:


There are links to several sample apps.

The specific sample app you are looking for is oddly under root/Users/Shared/Unity/Startrooper.

Thank you for the reply. I couldn’t remember the name of it so I couldn’t search it.

Do you know about the video tutorial explaining how to add camera and stuff to it? I know I saw it around their site but I have no clue how I arrived there.