Hi All,
I was hoping to copy and modify the following fragment shader in UnityStandardCoreForwardSimple.cginc:
half4 fragForwardBaseSimpleInternal (VertexOutputBaseSimple i)
FragmentCommonData s = FragmentSetupSimple(i);
UnityLight mainLight = MainLightSimple(i, s);
#if !defined(LIGHTMAP_ON) && defined(_NORMALMAP)
half ndotl = saturate(dot(s.tangentSpaceNormal, i.tangentSpaceLightDir));
half ndotl = saturate(dot(s.normalWorld, mainLight.dir));
//we can't have worldpos here (not enough interpolator on SM 2.0) so no shadow fade in that case.
half shadowMaskAttenuation = UnitySampleBakedOcclusion(i.ambientOrLightmapUV, 0);
half realtimeShadowAttenuation = SHADOW_ATTENUATION(i);
half atten = UnityMixRealtimeAndBakedShadows(realtimeShadowAttenuation, shadowMaskAttenuation, 0);
half occlusion = Occlusion(i.tex.xy);
half rl = dot(REFLECTVEC_FOR_SPECULAR(i, s), LightDirForSpecular(i, mainLight));
UnityGI gi = FragmentGI (s, occlusion, i.ambientOrLightmapUV, atten, mainLight);
half3 attenuatedLightColor = gi.light.color * ndotl;
half3 c = BRDF3_Indirect(s.diffColor, s.specColor, gi.indirect, PerVertexGrazingTerm(i, s), PerVertexFresnelTerm(i));
c += BRDF3DirectSimple(s.diffColor, s.specColor, s.smoothness, rl) * attenuatedLightColor;
c += Emission(i.tex.xy);
UNITY_APPLY_FOG(i.fogCoord, c);
return OutputForward (half4(c, 1), s.alpha);
But I get an error stating it doesn’t recognize VertexOutputBaseSimple
. If I include that it reads, “unrecognized identifier UNITY_POSITION(pos)
If anyone can point me in the correct direction I would greatly appreciate it!