Where should I start on relearning?

Where should I start my relearning?. You see, I’m an OLD programmer. I’m 35 years old! I was on my way to making it as a small time freelance video game programmer. I had programmed a few beginner projects going and everything was looking OK for my future. I was then in a car wreck. The car wreck was completely my fault! On 9/11/04, I saw the car I was in was headed for a collision. I then removed my seat belt as a panic reaction to attempt to correct where the car was heading. I failed. When we were in the collision and I was thrown 35 feet through the windshield. I’m only telling you what I’ve been told. I wasn’t there.

Anyway, enough of the past, my sights are set on the future! (Triumphant music plays while motorcycles fly off ramps though flaming rings while the U.S. anthem plays). Which tutorial do you recommended I start with? I’ve started several tutorials, but I need something to stick with. This is my guess. I’m all about old-school 2d games. Am I correct on my guess?

Hey, kiddo. Glad you got better :slight_smile:

That tutorial is for Unity 4.x, so there might be some drastic changes since. Skim through it at 1.5x or 2x speed if you like, but I suggest browsing the tutorial section for tutorials made for 5.x and newer. If you already know the editor and C# you can skip a lot of basic stuff - just go through every modern(-ish) video and text you can find on the new GUI and sprite stuff. The game-specific tutorials also show you some editor use, so I’d still recommend them even if they’re for 3D games.

There’s also a new way to manage sprite sheets now, betas have tile map support, and there are a few old products which UT bought or made - Anima2D, TextMesh Pro, new post-processing assets and cinematic stuff. Worth looking at later once you’ve re-familiarised yourself with the current sprite workflow.

Then how do you feel about this tutorial? I went ahead and started watching it… Am I headed in the correct direction?

Still a 4.x tutorial. Scripting changed enough that you’ll bump into annoying errors/warnings left, right and centre.

First I suggest you take a few days to watch every single video in this section. Just kidding - pick the ones which you’re unsure of. The first 6 are basics and mandatory, I’d say. The next 6 are intermediate things you will also often need, and the rest are mostly optional :slight_smile:

With the basics out of the way you can focus on the deeper tutorials and/or live sessions. These are the most up to date ones:
The roguelike tutorial was written for 5.x, and covers many useful 2D things. Same for the UFO tutorial. Even if it’s a game type you don’t care for it can teach you useful editor tricks. Yes, even the roll-a-ball tutorial!

I’ve run into the UFO tutorial before. What I’ll do first is browse through the 12 tutorials you recommended I watch. After that, I’ll do the whole the UFO tutorial. I’ll then attempt to resurrect my “Force Disruptor” series. Does that sound like a plan?
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Seems like a great start :slight_smile:

Is there a way to access the sprites in this video?

I found them. I’m sorry if you wasted your time looking for them.