Where should Unity spend it's $400 Million?

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What do you think Unity should focus that money on (apart from fast cars so it’s employees can cash out?) ?

Buy UE4!


On ice cream for everyone, obviously.


Wow, Unity is valued at 2.6 billion dollars. For comparison, Tencent bought 48.4 percent of Epic Games (maker of UE4) for 330 millions in 2013.

Not enough money.

I think they can decide that by themselves.

Come on @neginfinity that’s just pointless fun don’t ruin it, dont be negative (though I guess that’s coming from the name lol)


Fun is forbidden. All must obey.

I believe that Unity should invest all it’s gold into actually just paying for staff and so on like they do now… followed by giving moderators lifetime Unity licenses. My 2p. :wink:


I bet it’d be enough for Crytek though. But if it isn’t just give that company another year or two. :stuck_out_tongue:


On Nested Prefabs. Duh.

And a settlement for this guy.


Need one hundred million more.

4K monitor support in the editor.

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More dark grey pixels, so they have an ample supply to put into editors and don’t get so much bellyaching about their cost to consumers?

Hats! They must buy hats.


Nobody is saying terrain system yet?

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I just read his Google doc. That really sucks and reading that wow I can relate to him. I’ve had that same kind of crap happen before but fortunately action was taken and the job that once I loved that had become something I hated (was about to leave) suddenly became something I looked forward to again every day. It’s a shame that doesn’t seem to be happening for this guy and his only choice was to leave (as well as the other one that said he had the same situation with the same person when he worked there).

Anyway… as for the OP’s question… they could spend some of that money hosting monthly game jams here giving out $1,200 grand prize, $600 second place and $200 third place. $2k per month obviously wouldn’t make a dent in $400M for a long time but it would be tremendous publicity for them and a way to really give back to the community and inject some more excitement into it.

Then maybe take just $250,000 and focus it into the Unity Scene Editor and really make that thing slick and super efficient to work with.

Then just put a good amount of it into their employees. The happier they are the better job they will likely do.

Then maybe invest all of the rest to put the inferior graphics thing to rest once and for all. So that ShadowK, Billy and the many others can finally easily make scenes that look better than they can in UE. Again this would actually serve as great marketing too.

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Spend the money on developing a proper visual scripting tool for those of us who like this sort of thing, oh and make it free too :slight_smile:

If that is true (seems some other former UT employees saying similar in this tweet) it does not cast a very good light at UT.

Well that would explain a lot.

It’s the guy behind the physics debugger system! :face_with_spiral_eyes:

RIP I anticipated that for I had a lot of battle with physics in the past :face_with_spiral_eyes: