I’m using a rather old notebook and I want to know if Unity’s standalone-player projects work on this machine, and with what performance.
I figure it’s less of a hassle to ask this than to download the 900MB Unity basic package to test myself, so I ask if anyone could build and share a simple Windows desktop application with some spinning primitives or something like this, so I can see the performance and how it handles on my machine.
Why not simply go to Discover the latest Unity demos and projects | Unity, install web plugin, and see it for yourself, the performance will be the same as running Windows Desktop Standalone player.
I didn’t try the live demos because I don’t want to install a web plugin in this machine.
If it’s not too much trouble, I would appreciate it if someone could build a simple “hello world” standalone and put it in FileDropper or similar so I can check it out.
EDIT: Actually, I did download the web-player now and tested the demos which looked like the most simple ones.
I was surprised to see them running very fast on this old machine, and the process of installing the web-player being hassle-free.
So you were right.