Where to go for to get help with designing UI?

I am somewhat new to using unity fourms and need some help with UI design for a game I am making. Where is a good place to ask for feedback for UI design?

Just in case anyone cares, here is the question I would like to ask:

“I am creating an escape room for a school-sponsored project. Most of the escape room ‘happens’ (if that is a correct way of describing it) within a very large, dimly lit (like its 100% dark execpt for small slightly harsh lights placed strageically to mark pathways so you can get across the room without tripping) room. In the center of the room, a medium sized screen sits. Upon using the computer, the escapees discover that it is a supercomputer, and have to fix it to progress. The escapees interact with the ‘supercomputer’ in a manner simular to how you may interact with an old 80’s computer console (you press buttons on a keyboard to tell the computer what you want instead of clicking on things), but the style I am going for is more of modern/mimimalist style. Attached below is images of what I have came up with. I think the fonts ok, but I think some of my colors I am using are WAYYYY off from what I am trying to achive. The headers/footers are ok, but the content colors are all bad (except the white ones, they seem good by themselves).”

Play lots of other games with similar play mechanics and input styles. Take lots of screenshots and keep notes.

There are only a few fundamental ways of basic mobile design to learn, and then just pick the one that works best for your use case.

Thank you for the help, I looked into other games and what they did and I guess I am going to go with a 2 color scheme, with red every now and then for extremely sever notices, just to make it stand out against the other black and white colors.