I am somewhat new to using unity fourms and need some help with UI design for a game I am making. Where is a good place to ask for feedback for UI design?
Just in case anyone cares, here is the question I would like to ask:
“I am creating an escape room for a school-sponsored project. Most of the escape room ‘happens’ (if that is a correct way of describing it) within a very large, dimly lit (like its 100% dark execpt for small slightly harsh lights placed strageically to mark pathways so you can get across the room without tripping) room. In the center of the room, a medium sized screen sits. Upon using the computer, the escapees discover that it is a supercomputer, and have to fix it to progress. The escapees interact with the ‘supercomputer’ in a manner simular to how you may interact with an old 80’s computer console (you press buttons on a keyboard to tell the computer what you want instead of clicking on things), but the style I am going for is more of modern/mimimalist style. Attached below is images of what I have came up with. I think the fonts ok, but I think some of my colors I am using are WAYYYY off from what I am trying to achive. The headers/footers are ok, but the content colors are all bad (except the white ones, they seem good by themselves).”