Sorry, been awhile since I posted here, but I’m not seeing a forum where I can post a “Request” for an asset that doesn’t exist yet? Has this not been thought of or it just isn’t done at all?
To be clear, I have a need for a specific Asset Toolset that has currently gone out of date with Unity5 and the author of the original asset has abandoned it (or died?). I’m not asking for someone to get it working for Unity5, but more of looking for a similar project that delivers similar results (or better?) that won’t get completely abandoned so quickly.
You can post it here; it’s called “Assets and Asset Store,” which means all topics about assets and the asset store are appropriate. It’s not just for promoting existing assets.
Although you could also consider posting in the commercial forum, if you have a budget for this and specifically want to hire someone to make it.
Thanks Eric :)!
I wasn’t sure because i combed through this section looking for anyone else that had posted a similar “Looking for asset” etc. I’ll do a write up soon here to see if anyone is working, has worked, or has interest in the asset im looking for. Though I do not personally have a budget for it I know that MANY MANY MANY MANY people do, and there is large interest with regard to the asset/plugin im looking for.