Where to put the GUI script ?

I dont know if its a good question to ask, the answer might be obvious for the most people, however I am not really sure what is the best practice when placing your GUI script. Should it be for example put into the camera script, or bind to an empty object etc ? Even though they will give the same result for the most cases, I want to know whats the best way for placing your GUI scripts.

I suggest an empty object named “GuiObj” or something else meaningful enough, thus you will always know where to find the GUI scripts.

Well, it can depend what the GUI script is doing…

Most of the time, I have, like a game controller game object, which I place most scripts on that are to do with the whole game…

Other things for say the player, I attach to the player etc…

Hope this helps you with your decision!!!


when its something like you are just doing a main menu, you put it to the main camera