Where to report ARFoundation Bugs?


I just wanted to try if newer Version of ARKits/ARFoundations Object tracking is more accurate so i tried to make a new project and also thought that would be a chance to test the Shader Graph finally, unfortunately I can not get the newer versions to run because of the following reasons:

  • On Unity 2019.2.19f1 with the LWRP, ARFoundation and ARKit Packages of Version 3.0.1, I can not at a Trackable Object Manager, because it does not exist. And I don’t know why, because the Documentation of that version inclued it.

  • On Unity 2019.2.19f1 with the LWRP set up, when importing I get the following errors:

  • Shader Compiler Socket Exception: Terminating shader compiler process

  • Shader compiler: Compile Unlit/ARKitLWRPBackground - , Vertex Program: Internal error communicating with the shader compiler process. Please report a bug including this shader and the editor log.
    They do persist after properly setting up a LWRP ARRenderAsset and Pipeline and also when clicking that error it tells me the Path does not exist.

Anyone has ideas on how to fix that? :slight_smile:

For your first question, object tracking must be pulled out of verified packages and can only exist in preview packages. AR Foundation 3.1.0-preview.4 will contain object tracking functionality.

For the second question, that issue seems to be related to LWRP. You may use Unity QA: Building quality with passion which details how to file a bug.