Where to run script commands for workflow tools?


I’m wondering is there an idle console that’s available to run commands for any custom tools to help my workflow? For example, if I wanted to batch rename some objects in a scene via script without having to manually do it.

Hope that makes sense!

Not exactly what I was after, but at least this does interact with the scene. After creating a new c# script, here’s a basic example to batch rename selected objects.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Collections;

public class WindowExample : EditorWindow {

    [MenuItem ("Window/Batch renamer")]

    public static void ShowWindow()

	void OnGUI()
        if(GUILayout.Button("Rename selected objects"))
            GameObject[] objs = Selection.gameObjects;

            Undo.RecordObjects(objs, "Rename selection");

            for (int i = 0; i < objs.Length; i++)
                objs*.name = string.Concat("newName_", i+1);*
