Where to save a text file that needs weekly update externally?

Hi guys,

After watching this tutorial, I wanted to create a simple mobile app/game that can:

a) Load a web-based text file (from a specific url) which inside contains several other urls linked to images.

b) From the urls I obtained from the text file (or any string info), load images inside the app.

Now the problem is that I want to have this ‘text’ information to be updated on a weekly basis. One method I found was through the video above which uses Steam’s workshop site and grab an entire html then load url addresses from the link inside the html. However, I do not know creating a web page using html and I thought it’d be a little overkill to create a web page to simply contain a text(string) info that I can read/write.

I’ve tried uploading a text file to a Google Drive then tried reading information from the file’s link but to no avail. I also tried creating a simple website with WIX & site.google.com but the text I loaded from my site did not show any information I inserted as a text on the web page. I could perhaps try this with Google Cloud maybe? Still, it came to my mind that there must be a much easier way to do this.

After all, all I need to do is

a) The app/game connects to an external link written inside the code

b) then extract a text information from it

c) then load those images on the app.

Hope this makes sense. Apologies if my explanation wasn’t enough. Thanks in advance!

You can use json or xml to store your links in a file, then use UnityWebRequestTexture.GetTexture to download the images (if you are storing them as raw PNGs or something), or Addressables.LoadAssetAsync<Texture2D> (if you are storing them as assetbundles).

Thank you for your help.

I do know (to a certain point) what JSON is and have used them to load information from DB while I was dabbling with Firebase. That said, could you briefly explain a typical approach in terms of keeping/updating information via JSON?

(Do we upload JSON file on the server and update them periodically? Do I need to learn JavaScript for doing so? etc.)

Yes you guessed it. Unity is my very first software in terms of programming.

Thank you in advance!