The link goes to an error page:
Any chance the kind folks at UT could re-post this?
The link goes to an error page:
Any chance the kind folks at UT could re-post this?
Neither of those tutorials have ever existed to this point, right?
I mean, I remember reading some kind of tutorial about scripting; otherwise I wouldn’t have gotten anywhere when I started with scripting/Unity last year, but this tutorial is talked about in the future tense…
But there used to be a “scripting tutorial” that included a race car path follow script that I’m looking for. I keep seeing old posts that refer to this tutorial but I can’t seem to find it. So it would have been a 1.x tutorial.
Yes, I remember now… that’s the file that taught me my first bit of Javascript. I also recall a tutorial that included how to use shaders, with a waterfall or something.
I can’t seem to find any.
Its now in:
Of if you like clicking:
Documentation page > Unity Manual > User Guide > Unity Basics > Tutorials
Thanks Larus, funny how that link wasn’t working yesterday!
Is there a more in-depth tutorial which talks about custom classes and structures?
SubethnaEdit doesn’t recognize Unity methods and classes by the way.
You can find syntax modes for Unity C# and JS on SubEtha’s website. I’m afraid I haven’t updated the modes for Unity 2 yet (mainly because I haven’t upgraded to Unity 2 yet) but it is quite easy to do.
If you go into a SubEtha syntax mode using Show Package Contents, you will find a file called “AutocompleteAdditions.txt” which is just a list of words. If you also open Unitron with Show Package Contents, you can find the definition files for C#, etc. You can just copy the latest Unity words (with a bit of text munging) into the SubEtha mode and they become usable when you quit and relaunch.
Just an aside - perhaps it would be useful if UT could put a list of autocomplete words in raw text onto the website somewhere. This would make it straightforward for anyone to make a syntax mode for their favourite editor.
You can easily extract those from Unitrons .plist
67012–2482–$autocompletion_528.txt (24.9 KB)
67012–2483–$autocompletion_unique_105.txt (19.8 KB)
Just as an aside, the scripting tutorial comes with your Unity download, in the tutorial file.
Thanks guys but I have no idea where the “add autocomplete syntax” button is (if there is such thing).
Also does it autocomplete in context ? So if you type transform. a list pops up which shows everything in the class transform.
Also the tutorial for scripting is unfortunately too basic. Maybe there are on the web tutorials for the particular flavor of javascript unity has?
I know this thread is old but…
the tutorial is here: