2 things to keep in mind for those reading this and thinking there's an easy answer like, "look at this part of the Unity website/documentation"... 1. You need to actually goto the link provide below and read all that Tim Sweeney says about his design/development decisions and then how he clearly and entertainingly explains himself. It's a good read, I promise! 2. I've read an enormous amount of the Unity website. 100x more than I understood, and I've read much of it many times over in an effort to glean as much understanding of the program and methods as I can eek out of it. But still I've found nothing enlightening like this link, go on, even tho it's Unreal, have a read, its actually a fun document and great insight into a clearly talented and intelligent man ::::>>>
He didn't need to write it, he's got more money than he'll ever need, probably enjoys himself more than you or I do, but chose to share with those that share his passions the reasoning and methodology behind that which he's created. I feel brighter for having read it, it's just about converted me to trying to learn Java.
At this point in time, for me, I'd really like to glean this kind of knowledge of "the Unity way". Is it available?
I'm looking for an equivalent expose on the thoughts, intents, rationality and reasoning that went into the methodologies of Unity. Not the How, or the What, but a WHY!