Which architectures should I include for native libraries with Unity building for iOS?

I have a large native c++ library that I include into my Unity project. I’m building a fat binary containing various architectures, but I’m not really sure which I should be including.

Note my application requires iOS 7.1 or greater.

In my library I’m currently including:


Note, this is currently for a Mono build (not IL2CPP).

Is this correct? Do I need both arm7 and arm7s? Should I be including any others? Will the arm64 even be used with a Mono build?

We will be switching over to IL2CPP once it is more stable, so I’d also be interested in what architectures I should include then also.

Your thoughts?

Bump - anyone?

Any info is greatly appreciated.

You need armv7 and arm64.
armv7s is not supported.

Thanks Mantas,

Will the arm64 slice be used even for a mono build? Since I assume that’s all 32 bit anyway - or will it still use a 64bit native library on supported hardware?

Or should I only include armv7 for mono builds and include both armv7 and arm64 for IL2CPP builds?

Thanks again for you help!

On Mono builds arm64 slice will be ignored. It will be used only for IL2CPP Universal or ARM64-only builds.

Excellent, thanks Mantas!

Hey Mantas,

Just checking if this is still the case today?
