I have a large native c++ library that I include into my Unity project. I’m building a fat binary containing various architectures, but I’m not really sure which I should be including.
Note my application requires iOS 7.1 or greater.
In my library I’m currently including:
Note, this is currently for a Mono build (not IL2CPP).
Is this correct? Do I need both arm7 and arm7s? Should I be including any others? Will the arm64 even be used with a Mono build?
We will be switching over to IL2CPP once it is more stable, so I’d also be interested in what architectures I should include then also.
Will the arm64 slice be used even for a mono build? Since I assume that’s all 32 bit anyway - or will it still use a 64bit native library on supported hardware?
Or should I only include armv7 for mono builds and include both armv7 and arm64 for IL2CPP builds?