Which book

Hi guys,

I have a little question here. In a couple of weeks (when i have some more time), i want to start working with Unity.
I know everybody says you should learn it by watching tutorials and other Unity users, but last week i found also some books about Unity and how to use it. Now here is my question:

Is there any book you can recommend for someone who hasn’t worked with Unity and also hasn’t scripted in Unityscript? (I also don’t know Javascript, but I have programmed in Python)

A book could be handy for some extra information and a nice summary.

Thanks a lot! Nicholas

Anyone? :wink:

I just finished the book “Unity Game Development Essentials” by Will Goldstone. I am a C++ programmer with some experience ( I am too intermediate level), but Unity seemed a great environment to learn more game coding principles. I have not used Javascript, but this book explains it well, when combined with online tutorials and the help of this awesome community! :smile:

If you’ve never used Unity before and have never done game programming, I highly recommend this book as a first book:
Unity 3D Game Development by Example by Ryan Henson Creighton.

It’s a really easy to understand book, even more simple than Will Goldstone’s book. I find having dipped your toes in the water with this book, Will Goldstone’s book is a great second book to work through.

Finally if you are interested in creating and finishing a classic adventure game, I recommend Sue Blackman’s Beginning 3D Game Development with Unity. This book is packed with information, tips and scripting (it may look light, but it really is heavy duty scripting), and by the end, you’ll have finished a fully functional game.

Video tutorials are great when you haven’t used the software at all. It makes finding the buttons and menus that much easier and cuts down on your “get to know the interface” time. After that, videos are great for specific tasks when you need to find out how to do something.

hope this helps.