I dev my game, and I created a beta version.
Now I’m confused !
I want to promote my game on Facebook, and I don’t know which countries to target, if someone can help or has an exprecience please tell me,
what countries should I target,
Is Facebook promotion useful and give a results.
thank you
There is no golden bullet answer to this. It’s going to be entirely game and audience specific, and you’ve told us nothing about either of those things.
Even if we did know about those things, the best we could do is make an educated guess at a starting point. You would need to run multiple campaigns over time and iteratively hone in on whatever group(s) your content resonates with.
Who did you have in mind when you made the game? Start by learning what you can about those people.
thank you for replying
My game targets almost all segments of society, but I don’t want to promote in countries whose cost is high and I do not get in return.
btw this is a beta release of my game.