Which Is Better: Physics

Edy’s, Unity Car[u][/u], IRDS or MoDyEn?

I like UnityCar because it has a few more features that Edy’s doesn’t(Manual transmission being one), and it’s a tad faster, though Edy’s has a bit more realistic feel. MoDyEn I don’t know much about, though I know its extremely simulation-related, so if you want Gran Turismo, go there. If you want arcade, go UnityCar(has built-in arcade settings) or Edy’s.

I’ve used Edy’s, IRDS, and UnityCar for past projects. Edy’s is straightforward to setup, has great documentation and customer support, and the author is active on the forums. IRDS is actually a racing game kit, although it does include its own vehicle physics, but includes integration with Edy’s (v4.4, not sure if it works with v5 yet). IRDS also has great customer support and documentation and the author is also active on the forums.

What about IRDS?

Not meaning to highjack the thread but how easy is it to add wheel support for any of these?

UnityCar has force feedback support for certain Logitech steering wheels. I believe IRDS also has force feedback support for its own vehicle physics component, as far as I’m aware, Edy’s doesn’t yet support it.

Is IRDS similar to Edys and UnityCar?

IRDS is primarily for making racing games with competitive waypoint following AI.

IRDS has its own vehicle physics component, but it’s AI also supports Edy’s (only Unity v4 at the moment) and UnityCar. I prefer Edy’s over IRDS’ own vehicle physics.

I mean it’s own physics is similar.