Which is better?

To start a multiplayer project as an offline game to get the foundation layer out and working, or to start off with multiplayer coding and build the game around that?

I’ve been wondering this for a while and haven’t really been able to find an answer. I’m just speaking in general, not for any specific gametype, unless that would make a difference in the answer. I’m also not talking about anything like an mmo, cringe, just general multiplayer on a client to client scale.

The reason I’m asking is in preparation for a project ill be starting soon. I’ve been somewhat iffy on starting it because I eventually do want to have multiplayer, however I’d like to be able to program the actual game first before I start worrying about that aspect. So my real question is, would I just be digging a deeper hole for myself if I built the game and THEN added multiplayer when its complete? Would I have to change all of my code to support it, or just add the multiplayer code/objects to it…

If I’d have to change everything then that’s something I don’t wanna have to do, but if its just as simple as changing a few instance calls or something and adding the rest of the code on its own then I wont really mind.

If you really want multiplayer, do a few mockups and tests of it without too much commitment to assets and designs. Make sure you can do what you need to do basically. To go back and add multiplayer is not a small effort.

yes that is a good way or working things out, start a fresh project for the networking and some cubes with the basic scripts needed. Once that works ok add it to the game and then build it out more the way you want.

Ok, so test everything with generic prims just to get it working and then build the actual game around a multiplayer setup. Sounds good. I’m glad I waited to start this then, Cuz I would have started it all wrong and dug myself a grave, lol.

Thanks guys.