How to choose the best between gaming laptops and macbooks?
Not really a game design question. You’d get better (and more) responses in the General Discussion forum.
Are you trying to publish on Mac? If not, I see no reason to develop on one. Either way one generally pays a premium for Apple products. Compare the specs for a Mac laptop and a Windows laptop with similar prices.
public enum WhichOne {Macbook, GamingLaptop};
public WhichOne WhichIsGood()
WhichOne returnValue = WhichOne.GamingLaptop;
if (iLikeMacOS && iDontMindPayingDoubleForSamePerformance) //Got that trust fund dollaz baby!
if (iDontCareAppleIsDroppingIntel) //Whatever I buy is already deprecated by Apple ARM, but who cares! I still use PowerPC in my current Mac!
if (iDontCareAppleKeepsMakingApplicationBreakingChangesToMacOS) //Who cares Apple keeps making older versions of Unity not work with every major MacOS release. Maintain old projects? Ain't nobody got time fo that!
returnValue = WhichOne.Macbook;
return returnValue;
Just poking a little fun
Which one are you interested in making games for?
99% of your software will be the same. I like Pages and Keynote better than Word and PowerPoint, but I like Excel more than Numbers. I prefer iTunes over WMP.
Most of your time will be spent in Chrome/FF, Unity, GIMP, Blender, Audacity… which all works exactly the same.
In my opinion Xcode/Instruments is far superior to Visual Studios and… What’s the windows equivalent to Instruments on Mac and valgrind on Linux?
if you actually want to use OSX, get a MacBook. MacBooks can run Windows, PCs can not run OSX. I dual boot OSX and Grub.
Sorry for came here. I will publish in general discussion.
I liked very very much your reply
You’re providing too little information. If you want to receive an answer that isn’t a joke you need to tell us what you want to use them for, and if it’s for game development then you need to tell us about the games you want to make.