this is a question that has been bugging me all day. When you create a ParticleSystem the Max Particle Size is set by default to 0.5.
Which is… kinda acceptable if you’ve got small particle systems and you can’t get very close to them. Otherwise the VFX warps in some not pretty ways.
On the other side, keeping it low saves a bit of performance especially on mobile.
In my assets I also have big and huge VFX (particles with up to 10x scaling), so I was wondering what would you suggest or prefer to have as a default Max Particle Size when buying an asset. I was thinking to set everything to 4.0, for extreme closeups.
Since I can’t automate the process (it isn’t an exposed parameter) I have to tweak thousands of them one by one. So, choosing the right value is crucial.
What are your thoughts?
What number would fit your needs?
Thanks for your time
None of the above, it is complete dependant on the effect’s requirements.
Is it something that can and needs to cover the entire screen? If so what scale does the particle need to be to get the desired look.
Is it something that shouldn’t occlude vision, or can be shrunk to prevent overdraw for performance reasons? If so what is the smallest scale it can reasonably be set to without looking odd.
Is it something we want to always be a constant size regardless of distance (small dust particles as an example)? Set to the size appropriate for the screen resolution / desired look.
Is it something that’ll never be close to the camera and won’t ever be large enough to get scaled down? Leave at the default 0.5.
You might as well ask what color it should be. If you asked wrt a specific use, such as explosions, it would make more sense, although most times I change particle size greatly over lifetime anyway.