Which material shader will demonstrate glass of vehicle?


I have a coloured texture of a vehicle.

I decided to put transparency windows on the diffuse texture for glass windows.

But the shader “Transparent\Cutout\Diffuse” either makes windows non-transparent completely (if Alpha < Alpha Cutoff), or transparent completely (if Alpha > Alpha Cutoff) without any shade of the glass.

On the other hand “Transparent\Diffuse” makes the glass visible and transparent (semi-visible :-)), but completely destroys the mesh making half of it transparent too.

“Transparent\Soft Edge Unlit” makes the glass semi-visible, but the vehicle have no rendered light and shadows.

What shader should I use to get “Diffuse” for solid parts of a vehicle, and at the same time get semi-transparent hue of glass windows marked by alpha-channel of the texture?

Thank you!

You should be able to use the transparent diffuse shader and use a transparent map as the alpha map of your texture. The white parts of the map should render as opaque, the black parts should render as fully transparent(invisible) and any level of grey will show as semi transparent according to the level of white in the texture. To make the window looks more realistic i suggest you use the transparent specular material.

Also, make sure the texture format you use allows for alpha channel (TGA 32 bits for example).

Hope it helps.