Which permission/How to upload screenshot to Facebook after 2018 May (Cambridge event)

My App takes the screenshot of the user and wants to post to user’s timeline. I’m using Fb’s Unity SDK. While I’m testing by my own is working fine. But I keep getting rejected on App review by FB. I apply for “user_photos” and “user_post” permission now.

I ask in StackOverflow and someone says FB is not allowed App to post photos since “public_action” are deprecated now.

Is anyone know, at this moment, how to upload screenshot/photo to FB? Which permission do I need? Or it’s just impossible to do it anymore.

Thank you

I ask FaceBook Team and they give the answer. For anyone who needs this.

“Hi, thanks for reaching out. This is something that the Unity SDK doesn’t support at this time. We’ll look into adding this capability in future versions of the SDK, and will consider this a feature request.”