see the sphere (earth) rendered totally.
The sphere has scale: 6.371e+08 on each side and i’ll want to increase the scale about thousand. at the moment it looks like on the sceenshot. and i want to set the position higher than 99999 without getting the code (expception): Warning: due to floatng point precision limitations, it is recommended to bring th world cooradinates of the GameObject within the smaller range .
Make everything much, much smaller. You’re currently using 1 unity unit = 1m. Try 1km, or 100km…
Floating Point precision was to identify Tinte (english ink) on screen to know the middle at least the direction of mega hertz. i mean unity would be able to display these items but it doesnt want to.
so is there code which complete my wish to design real-size and real-size-like objects. i dont want to cut the globe into several peaces or using fog to reach true renderprocessing. are the (closed-source) addon’s?
i have a 64bit processor so there is also the possibility to attach Floating_point precion if it’s not uninstalled for unity-users by varchar (=paper-fire-virus:)
maybe spaceengine can… now testing with ogre
…getting crazy