Which script is running ?

Is there any way to figure which script is running in my scene or how many one ?

Any scripts that are attached to active objects in your scene are running.

I think you either need to dive deeper and ask a highly technical and precise version of that question or back up and talk about what you’re ultimately trying to accomplish.


You right. Look, I got drop in frames, and I don’t know what causing it. If my scene running with 3 players and 30 enemies smoothly with 60/40 frames. why suddenly I get drop for 1 second when there are no enemies !? So, I want to see which script taking or consuming more data.

@Quast have you tried Profiler? (ctrl+7)

Yes. I want something like “Task Manager” in windows.

In what way do you want it to be like “Task Manager” that the profiler isn’t already like it?

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Look at unity software details I can get from TM.
Like this one, I want to see which script is consuming more data when running my game scene.
I have 3 scripts. animation,UI and saving data. I want to see which one is taking more memory or consuming data.
I hope I cleared my idea now.

Yeah, Profiler gives you all that information plus a LOT more.

Could you show me a picture of this?


There’s several different profiler modules for examining different things, but here’s a picture looking at CPU usage broken down by where in your scripts it’s happening:

(taken from the Unity manual at Unity - Manual: CPU Usage Profiler module )

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