Which script language should i learn?

Hey guys :slight_smile:

So I have learned to code in UnityScript for 2 years now and this is the language which I am best at.
I have been using a bit of C# aswell because of some tutorials.
I use many tutorials on Youtube to learn to make games and such but they are all in different languages. Some are JS while some are C#.
After what i have come to understand JS and C# are mostly the same, right?

So here is my question:
Should i skip the C# tutorials online or should i just fluently translate the C# to JS while watching and following the tutorials? Or is that too difficult?
As far as i understand it is mostly the order of the coding which is the difference, right?

You should learn C# and stick with it. It’s one of the main selling points of Unity. Using UnityScript is like going to a steak restaurant and ordering chicken.