For the most part, I have not been able to get the splash screens to look right at all resolutions… I’m not sure which dimensions go with each box in the build settings player settings splash screen rollout.
The size of the texture depends on the target device:
- Mobile Splash Screen – 320x480 pixels for 1–3rd gen devices
- iPhone 3.5"/Retina – 640x960
- iPhone 4"/Retina – 640x1136
- iPhone 4.7"/Retina – 750x1334
- iPhone 5.5"/Retina – 1242x2208
- iPhone 5.5" Landscape/Retina – 2208x1242
- iPad Portrait – 768x1024
- iPad Landscape – 1024x768
- iPad Portrait/Retina – 1536x2048
- iPad Landscape/Retina – 2048x1536