while passing to a function in Prime31 throws error

I have to use a function in Prime31 for requestiong product data in ios. The function is

var iosProductIds = new string[] { "com.something.dollar"};
IAP.requestProductData( iosProductIds, androidSkus, productList =>
  Debug.Log( "Product list received" );
  Utils.logObject( productList );

its working fine.

But if a extract a value from array named “pArray” and declared it as a variable

var pid = pArray [0];

and passing to function as

string[] stringArray = new string[1];
stringArray[0] =pid ;
var iosProductIds = stringArray;

throws error “StoreKit: invalid productIdentifier: com.something.dollar” .

I tried

string pid = pArray [0];

also. But stucked with same error.

How can i clear it? Please help

string pid = pArray [0];
string stringArray = new string[1];
stringArray[0] = pid .Trim();
var iosProductIds = stringArray;

works fine.