(Whisper) Scene Messenger [Released] - A faster messenger for Unity

Please see the updated thread regarding the (Whisper) Scene Messenger here.

Hi everyone! I’d like announce the release of my first ever asset on the Unity Asset Store, the (Whisper) Scene Messenger!

Unity has a robust messaging system that allows communication between GameObjects. While this system is functional, it suffers from two major hiccups. First, Unity’s messenger uses string reflection, which is far slower than a normal function call. Second, Unity’s messenger requires you to keep your GameObjects structured as a specific parent-child tree. You lose the ability to structure the scene how you want to.

A major difference between this and the other messenger systems is support for any number of function parameters without overloads. Instead of defining a fixed number of callbacks, the system uses a Message class which can be constructed with any number of parameters of any type. A lot of work has been done to make the system as robust, reliable, and easy to use as possible without sacrificing speed.

The (Whisper) Scene Messenger is a delegate based scene management and messaging tool designed to keep your scene organized and your code clean, fast, and loosely-coupled. Simply add the messenger prefab and register your message functions with the messenger. The (Whisper) Scene Messenger includes a message class that can handle any number of parameters, without needing several function overloads.

The (Whisper) Scene Messenger is currently on the Asset Store for $15. A free version (with some limitations noted on the store page) is also available. A demo is available on my website. Both versions support Unity 3.5.1 and higher.

(Whisper) Scene Messenger: http://u3d.as/content/singularity-productions/-whisper-scene-messenger/7Wj

Lite Version: http://u3d.as/content/singularity-productions/-whisper-scene-messenger-lite-/8s3

Website and Demo: http://www.singularityproductions.com/tools/messenger/messenger.html

If you have any questions, shoot me an email or PM me on here. And be sure to follow Singularity Productions on Facebook and Twitter for the latest updates!

Twitter: x.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/SingularityProductions

Minor update: 1.1.0:

  • The (Whisper) Scene Messenger now backwards compatible with Unity 3.5.1!

Hm, seems interesting, let me check that out…

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I bought the paid-for version of Scene Messenger and I’m unable to get it to load into my scene (or any scene, for that matter). I’m using the latest update of Unity 4.6 on a Windows 8.1 machine. I probably should have tried the free version first, but I hadn’t really had any asset store problems since I upgraded from unity 3 to v4, and I need the pro features…

The scene messenger prefab fails to load properly, regardless of whether it’s my working scene, a new scene, or even your demo scene. The prefab loads into the scene, but its script component says “None (Mono Script)” and the yellow warning message triangle beneath says “The associated script can not be loadfed. Please fix any compile errors and assign a valid script.”

I’m going to try manually attaching the script, but I’m not sure which one to use since even the prefab is messed up. Any help would be useful. I’m waiting to rate it until I hear something. Thanks.

Hey, I think I fixed it. NONE of the prefabs’ scripts were attached any more, so I reconstructed and updated them directly (using the “handler” script for the main prefab/manager). Not sure why the package didn’t import properly, though. I tried re-downloading from a fresh restart of Unity, with a totally new scene, but the problem was still there.

It’s something you may want to look into. I’ll hold off on any rating for a while, til you’ve had a chance to address it. Should be a quick fix, though.

I know I responded to BlackManatee by email, but a major update to the Scene Messenger was just released which fixes the above import error and some other performance issues. Check it out here!