I’m here trying to create some buzz about myself, and the “Gossip” forum seemed the perfect place.
So who is that ‘me’ guy anyway, and who does he think he is coming in here like he belongs here.
I’m here trying to create some buzz about myself, and the “Gossip” forum seemed the perfect place.
So who is that ‘me’ guy anyway, and who does he think he is coming in here like he belongs here.
Welcome to the forums!
“Working with 3D since 1980’s”?
Oh wow! Respect!!!
It’s not that big a deal. He just started rendering his avatar in 1981 and never really saw fit to upgrade to newer hardware.
Welcome to the forums!,
But I’m not a fan of this introduction, makes you seem like a bit of a tool TBH.
The best way to start generating buzz about yourself is probably to jump into threads and start discussing things with people.
Welcome and +1
Also helping people out in the support forums will also get you mad cred.
Welcome to the forums
By ‘working on’ I meant swearing at text files for 3 day long ray traces that turned out black because I forgot to turn on the light.
@TylerPerry I am a tool… quite well worn too.
Not everyone is a fan of self referential humour…
That’s an old avatar from Active Worlds probably. I’m catfishing.
Thanks for the welcome
Harro, I am Gib Treaty, home of the Gib Treaty, may I take your order!?!?
Best intro ever!!
You do belong here, btw!
See you around!
I’ll take a GibTreaty with a side of GibTreaty…and humm… a GibTreaty to drink please.