Whole game in C# only?


sorry if this is a stupid question, I don’t have Unity for iPhone yet, hopefully will get trial version soon.

Anyway, if I understand it correctly one can write a whole game for iPhone with Unity IDE and C# scripting only, right?

In other words there is no need for an Obj C stuff? If true it suits me very well because I love C# and not that keen on XCode + Obj C…

Thank you.

Greets and welcome to the forums!

Drop us a line at sales@unity3d.com and request one and we’ll set you up right away!

FYI: you’ll need to be an Apple iPhone developer with the paid SDK installed (the free one won’t suffice), so get that squared away first if you haven’t done so already.


Correct again. With Unity you’ll create your game (using C# for example), then when you hit build Unity does the dirty work and produces a XCode project for you that’s then built in XCode to produce/install your app on your device. When done, you submit for publishing, no Objective-C needed!

Note: you will need to touch XCode long enough to build our Unity Remote application, but we provide that with full source so all you need to do is set up and provision your device for development purposes. After that you’re almost completely hands-off XCode!

Thank you, looks like nice forums with lots of good info! :slight_smile:

Already did few hours ago. :slight_smile:

No problem there, already have everything sorted out ages ago.

Sounds really awesome, can’t wait to get my dirty little hands on Unity iPhone! :smile:

I’m not concerned about XCode too much, but if possible to avoid I’m happy as I worked all my life with IDE’s like Delphi and Visual Studio and like C# very much.