HI, Sorry if asked in wrong section, but whom should I contact to get invoice for my Unity Asset store purchase?
I am working in a company where i need to provide it for each purchase.
HI, Sorry if asked in wrong section, but whom should I contact to get invoice for my Unity Asset store purchase?
I am working in a company where i need to provide it for each purchase.
You can contact to “Caitlyn Meeks” <caitlyn [AT] unity3d.com> about AS stuff.
Actually, you automatically get an invoice on every purchase. At least I do but I don’t think I’m special (I do have a VAT registered, though).
So the first thing to check is if my email on the store is correct, and if maybe the mail was considered spam and disappeared into that folder. Only after that I’d contact support about it.
Also: If you need to buy assets for the company you’re working for, you should probably have a special account for that because if the invoice goes to your name (which it usually will), the company may not be able to write it off. Plus, the asset then really belongs to the company, not to you (depending on where you live, you owning the asset may have quite interesting tax implications ).