Why all animationClip.length is 1 in unity5?

AnimationClip[ ] clips = gameObject.GetComponent().runtimeAnimatorController.animationClips;
foreach(AnimationClip clip in clips)
My animation’s length is large than 1 second. but all print result is 1 second, is it a bug?

This is a bug in 5.0 and we are working on a fix

Just to bump, I’m seeing this behaviour in 5.3.2f2 still.

Can someone post in this forum when the issue will be solved?

We did fix a few issue on clip length lately related to asset bundle, all those fix were ported to 5.3.3p2

Please check with the latest patch release and if you still see the same bug please log a new one, and send me your bug number here, I check this ASAP.

5.6.4f1 still have the same issue.
Animation _temp = GetComponent();
AnimationClip _sourceWithData = _temp.GetClip(“Take 001”);
_temp.AddClip(_sourceWithData, “newName”, 0,5);
print (_temp.GetClip(“newName”).length); // this is always zero, I can the animation apply, animationclip which only have 5 frames, it also took up 1 second. Tested with startFrame = 0, endFrame = 1000, it also 1 second.

is there any way I could check the active bug list?