Why all the sudden hate for Unity?

I can’t be alone here that it seems like the negativity towards Unity has been cranked way up.

And I just don’t get it.

Unity has historically had minimal issues with new releases. And even if 5 had had more issues than previous releases, it’s still not remotely close as bad as Unreal’s best new version transition.

But yet people keep going on and on about every little thing they can. Like the splash screen for the free version (really?!). Or people demanding a refund for early adaptors, who then complain about the splash screen (REALLY?!). Or after getting the refund, complaining that you don’t get the status-symbol skin color that comes with pro (ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!).

Yeah, I may be deep into fan-boy status here, but the way I see it I just got an amazing piece of software that cost thousands a moment ago for FREE. FOR FREE!!!

What am I missing here that suddenly Unity is the bad guy?

Is it a popularity thing?

Did everyone just turn on David after he split Goliath’s head open?

Or am I just fan-boying here?


My impression is that the vast majority of Unity users are ELATED to be able to get Unity 5 with its pro features for free.

You just don’t see all the “I’m fine with the splash screen” and “I’m fine with the pale editor skin” posts because when things are going well people don’t post about it.


You could ask why WOW draws such vitriol? People prefer rooting for underdogs. Plus, as Taylor Swift’s song says, “Haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate.”



Vocal minority. The angriest people are always the ones to shout the loudest.

Also, with the whole Unreal Engine 4 going free thing, I think the boards have seen an influx of UE4 evangelists crooning about their new comparable status.

I’m a long-time Unity-Free user, and I’m ecstatic about having all of the Unity 5 Pro versions available to the personal edition. I couldn’t care less about splash screen text or editor skin colors. There are several useful features that I now have access to thanks to this change.

The most exciting element of having such great tools available for no out-of-pocket cost is that it opens the door for a lot more hobbyist developers. Monetizing is all well and good, but the real experimentation usually comes from developers who are just fiddling around, without any expectation of income. Having Unity 5 personal edition available is going to be huge for the hobbyist and student communities.


It’s not a new phenomenon.

And at least I know that when the dust settles, even if the moans increased in frequency, they have lost a lot of width. Because there used to be quite a lot of things in pro that weren’t in the free version, so plenty of widely differing opportunities for people to moan about a particular feature being missing. It could come up in the middle of technical discussions about how to solve a certain problem. No more.

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Well, don’t take this personally but “FREE. FOR FREE!!!” is your point-of-view. There are many cases where a sudden shift in the business model is cause for concern. If YOU didn’t spend any money before then you are certainly better off. However for those of us who DID spend money (a lot of personal money) and suddenly the deal changed on delivery… Yes, most people are elated, and for some professionals it is meaningless, for many independents it actually changes the whole deal and a decision they locked into some time ago has now radically changed… I pre-bought Unity5, and have been using Unity4Pro for months. I have no expectation that all my projects will smoothly transfer, or that Unity5 will be complete on the day of launch. I am currently using 4Pro features (the features I was paying extra for), but not all 3rd-party assets are 5-ready… Once I ask for the refund my 4 license reverts to Indie and all my projects are forever lost and I am in limbo until assets begin to work with 5. I accept it, but the situation is actually a setback, months… maybe longer, maybe permanently if the assets never get updated… That is money and time I have lost. Not “FREE. FOR FREE”. Money and investment gone forever bye bye. I now have to estimate the value of my current projects (some of which are professional), guestimate how long before I am able to deliver those projects again, compare to the deadline for the refund, and hope for the best.

We had a deal. Unity changed the deal. I feel they are doing what they believe is fair. The NEW pro features are subscription services for multi-artist studio environments. It’s apples/oranges to the old pro features, so they don’t even compare. To make it more complicated there is monetary value gained/lost with the Level11 subscription. Again, I have to attempt to guestimate the value of future assets which I may or may not need/already own going on sale several months in the future… For you, if you spent no money, then you are a clear winner. Goody for you. Your life is uncomplicated.

Try not to be so judgmental when you don’t bother to understand other people’s positions. Hopefully your question was legitimate and now you know how it’s both a good AND bad thing…, or if you prefer: a good thing with some negative consequences… That’s not “hate”, that’s probably frustration over a deal that was changed at very short notice, that we had no say over, with a limited time to opt-in for a refund.


I have learned this to be the case from the diablo 3 forums. Diablo 3 does deserve some of the hate it gets for pretending to be the sequel to diablo 2 rather than an arcade edition of WoW, but there’s literally nonstop hatred on that forum 24/7 about everything and everyone with the single exception of Mr Yang.

Why are your projects forever lost? Most of the features of pro was shiny post effects and a profiler, it doesn’t delete your work neither does it stop you from upgrading to Unity 5.

What assets “break”? You’re supposed to be a developer, if you don’t know how to fix basic scripting problems (that most of it will be “auto-updated” anyway) then how do you propose to fix problems if you release your game and people report issues? How do you expect to deal with things when they abandon said asset store item?

I fixed all issues with Marmoset and some other cinematics majigger I bought in a couple of hours, we as a community will help others get through the transition. It’s a great community, but it’s not an actual problem with the engine now is it?

Also what’s this deal you made? Do you honestly expect Unity to never improve and expand? I honestly believe things like this is why in many ways Unity is still in the dark ages.

Unity 5 is a DAMN good engine, UE4 is a DAMN good engine. It is win win for all…


This I really don’t get. The cost of the engine hasn’t increased. So whatever business case you had for justifying the purchase is still valid. Sure there is a cheaper option now. But if you could afford to buy pro before, nothing has changed.

I could understand being upset if the price had gone up. But this really seems to be a case if ‘I’ve elected to keep my pro subscription, and I’m upset others can have the same engine for free’. Gain for others is not equivalent to loss for you.


Wow, speaks volumes about your professionalism. Best of luck, you sure as hell are going to need it…


This seems more like an issue with the 3rd party asset developers and/or the Asset Store in general. Anyone with a pro license has had access to Unity 5 beta for a long time now and even non-pro asset developers had access to Unity 5 a month before it was officially released. If they haven’t updated it by now to work with 5, it may be a good idea to try to fix it yourself (if they provided source code) or look for another solution. Yes, that would mean the money spent on those assets is wasted but that’s pretty common for things bought on the Asset Store.

The Asset Store is not all it’s cracked up to be. Too many assets are poor quality, buggy, abandoned or just plain useless. And the limited search features don’t make it easy to find the good ones. But I think that’s a separate issue from the licensing changes.

Maybe you should mention the assets by name so we can shame them.

Who is upset? And why would I pay $3000 for something others get for free? The difference in value is no longer worth that amount of money. I don’t see why you need to be hostile because MY situation has changed. I really don’t see how you have any need to comment on it at all…

And they offered refunds.

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ehh, I mean it hasn’t officially been a month… Yeah they are selling their product and have an obligation to update it (the code is not available. It is licensed plugin for a 3rd-part asset, not something I can legally just code around). I could shame them, they are not the greatest 3D company, but I am not the one standing on a soap box. I am just explaining the point of view you judgy people seem to dismiss.

And I have decided to take it but am waiting for the deadline. What is the problem?

Let me think, so you call people names and wonder why people seem a little hostile (in which I’m not, you’re just someone on the internet so little to care about there).

You drum up problems that aren’t really problems, complain about paying for a product you’re getting a refund for and then get hostile when anyone says anything about it. Wondering why people are just debating (only) with you when posting on a public forum for everyone to see, in which forums are meant for open discussion.

Go on just keep digging, I am thoroughly enjoying it.


Unity Pro’s perceived value has gone down. While I expect Unity to slowly add more features to Pro, people tend to look at the immediate state of a product without really considering long term benefits.

None at all and that’s my point. Unity is offering refunds for those who are not happy.

Even to those who have decided they want the refund for sure yet still wait unitl all the Level 11 free assets are in their Asset Store list. And they don’t even delete the free Assets from those who have decided to get a refund.

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Just reread your post. Someone who prepurchased 5 without any previous versions of pro is a tricky place to be, and does explain some of the frustrations we’ve seen here.

I’d be surprised if this represents all of the users complaining, I’d imagine this is only a small fraction of the community. Then again, most of the complainers are users I don’t recognise, so maybe this group is bigger then I thought.

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Well, it’s really none of your business and you have no input on them anyway.[quote]
Most of the features of pro was shiny post effects and a profiler, it doesn’t delete your work neither does it stop you from upgrading to Unity 5.
My workflow requires a render shader. Since it was required, I had no choice. There is no workaround.

a plugin to import a licensed 3rd-party asset.[quote]
You’re supposed to be a developer, if you don’t know how to fix basic scripting problems (that most of it will be “auto-updated” anyway) then how do you propose to fix problems if you release your game and people report issues?
[/quote]Please see previous post about you being a dork.

Since this is the asset that brought me to Unity, please see previous anser.

I fixed all issues with Marmoset and some other cinematics majigger I bought in a couple of hours, we as a community will help others get through the transition. It’s a great community, but it’s not an actual problem with the engine now is it?
[/quote]I am not having a problem with the engine. The “problem” is with the license. If a Unity project could be downgraded from Pro to Indie it might be possible to save aspects of the project but I do not believe that is allowed. If my 5Pro were dropped, but my 4Pro extended (idk, 6 months?) I doubt there would be any issue at all. I’m not asking for an extension, I’m just explaining how it’s a licensing issue.

Asking dork questions that you don’t want to hear the answer to is called sealioning. Please see the cartoon in the post where I called you a dork.

Yes, I agree. It is the engine I decided to go with too.