Use code-tags when posting code, plain text is crazy difficult to follow and we don’t get line numbers either so your post that says line 81 means we’d have to count 81 lines down to find it. You can edit your post above for this.
This is the single most common error posted on these forums. There must be dozens a day. You have a reference to a class which is NULL and you’re using it. It tells you the line, you only have to figure out what is NULL. You say you check for NULL, that’s fine but you then use “GetComponent” which can also return NULL itself if that component couldn’t be found and there’s simply no benefit from assume it does have that component if it’s returning NULL. Stuff like this.
ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: collider1 UnityEngine.Physics2D.IgnoreCollision (UnityEngine.Collider2D collider1, UnityEngine.Collider2D collider2) (at <4e5075cf57c3416eb788a8bd41817a84>:0) BirdPigeon.Start () (at Assets/Scripts/BirdPigeon.cs:45)
Line 45 of BirdPigeon. Calling Physics2D.IgnoreCollision. The Argument named “collider1” is being passed NULL. I mean, there’s simply no need to throw your hands in the air as it’s telling you everything that is wrong so I just don’t understand what’s the confusion here if I’m honest.