Why are android java libraries so obsolete?

There was a problem with the Unity Hub download and kept failing to install the required Java libraries for Android build… so I went ahead and download them manually.

So, in doing so I found out that Unity uses:
Java JDK 1.8 → Current version is 1.16 !!!
Java NDK 21d → Current Version is 23!!!

In short, all libraries are ages old. I don’t mean one year old. I mean, like I don’t even remember when JDK 1.8 came out. Was a born? XD

So the question is… why? There have been a trillion updates and fixes to those libraries in these years.

Why should they change when there is still support for it? JDK 1.8 is most likely the most used one in the world. Take a look at the version history and end dates: Java version history - Wikipedia

Yeah, so let’s keep support for iOS 8 (it’s more modern than jdk 1.8!), .Net 1.0 and Windows 95 since we are at it…
That would keep Unity compatible with almost everything in the planet. Heck! Let’s just roll back Unity to version 4. It actually ran super fast.

Or maybe just upgrade to a less than a 5 years old system that has tons of fixes and new features?

The question is WHY keep using such an old system