The game is a 2D game. I am a beginner on coding and making a game etc. I was watching a video on how to make pong. Unity 2D Pong Game in 20 Minutes - YouTube I didn’t finish the whole vid yet i was at 9:19 but at that point he opened the game. I opened my game as well but it didnt look the same. The paddles were supposed to be on the walls. I had an extra paddle as well i dont know why. And everything was falling down to the ground and dissapearing. I followed the code I did whatever he did in his video.
Screenshot by Lightshot
Everything falls down. I dont know why theres an extra paddle as well.
Here is the code:
Screenshot by Lightshot
Screenshot by Lightshot
Hi FluffyTCH,
It would be helpful if you posted code as text rather than images. I can see you are instantiating an extra paddle in line no. 23, that is why you have an extra paddle. How or why the other paddles are falling through would be easier to explain if you bundled your work into a .unityproject and shared an online link to it (e.g. from google drive or github). Cheers!