Why are shadows so ugly?

Using Unity 4.6.1. Nothing more than a plane, and a single directional light with hard shadows enabled. Everything is at default.

What’s with the random black mess everywhere? :rage:

This was just a test to make sure it wasn’t my geometry screwing things up, as the shadows looked awful. Change shadow projection to ‘stable fit’ lessens the issue, but it’s still there.

Is this a bug or are there ‘gotchas’ I don’t know about with Unity lighting?


Is the plane something you’ve modeled yourself? Try to increase the shadow bias on your directional light, it should fix ‘shadow acne’ (that’s what they call it on the Unity docs :p). I think it could help here as well.

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You should fix at first ‘shadow acne’ then you restart your shadow . I am hopfully your problem has gone.
