Why are there empty spaces when I paint detail meshes on terrain?

When I paint a lot of detail meshes a empty space forms.


Not sure if there is a fix or you just have to work around it.

Another question I have. Is it okay to use a very low poly grass model as a detail instead of the default terrain grass? I like using detail meshes but it’s like unity can’t handle it. It’s not the frame rate that drops it’s just skipping when you move. The tri count and draw calls are low. It’s like unity has trouble loading in the meshes as you move. Not sure if someone else has this problem.

Thanks for reading.

i know this is a very late answer but this has to do with the “detail resolution per patch”.
Edit: was mistaken, you actually have to set it to a lower number 64 does the job for me.
Note: you should always have this number a power of 2 (like: 2,4,8,16 etc.) and set it to the highest value that works for you to save draw calls.

If you want to know more about it have a look at:

I was able to solve this problem by changing the values to:

Detail Resolution Per Patch = 8
Detail Resoltuion = 1024