Why are these objects there from the beginning?


i've created some ParticleSystems and want to initiate them with some keys. To destroy these objects works fine, but i can't create them, because they are always in my gmae from the beginning. But non of my scripts call them? Here's a picture of my hierarchie: the two particle systems are "Smoke" and "flame"


I don't entirely understand your question, but if your goal is just to trigger some Smoke or Flame at certain moments in your game, it would probably be a better approach to toggle the .emit flag to true and false at those times, rather than actually create and destroy your particle system GameObjects.

You can keep the Particle System GameObject present in your scene the whole time. Just un-check 'emit' in the editor, and when you need some smoke or flame in your game, use scripting to set the position of the particle system, and set the .emit value to = true. Then, a few seconds later, set it back to false to stop the emitter.

If you want to trigger these emitters when a key is pressed, you'll need to use either Input.GetKey or Input.GetKeyUp. Click those links for the documentation.

hope this helps!